Friday, May 8, 2009

Banner week

As a crafts newbie, I was not quite prepared for my first show and sale. But being apprentice at the Boulder Potters' Guild I have the opportunity to participate in our twice-yearly sales.

My husband, Mike, helped me design and gather the materials for my booth. Since I primarily focus on functional ware, I wanted to display my pieces in ways that would show off its unique usability. So, at his suggestion, we wandered over to ReSource, a Boulder institution devoted to the collection and resale of used building materials. There we found laminate counter samples that could be used to suggest a kitchen and bathroom counter. I thought installing faucets in the counters would further the illusion of these utility areas, so we scrounged old sinks for suitable fixtures.

We also found a serviceable medicine cabinet for the "bathroom" and a window through which to gaze into the "back yard" from the "kitchen."

A trip to Costco resulted in a 6-foot folding table that could be further folded into a portable package, along with cheap plastic shelving.

Having to glaze and fire additional inventory prevented us from building out the "set" entirely, but once it was set up at the Boulder County Fairgrounds in the midst of my fellow potters I was pretty well pleased with the outcome.

But what made the experience result in a banner week were two outcomes.

First, I sold 40 pieces, many more than I anticipated. So I made a few bucks both for myself and the Guild, a 501 c (3) .

Then I got an email from a manufacturer who bought a good number of my pump dispenser bottles with the intention of filling them with product and selling them. No contract has been signed yet -- he wants to see how well they sell before commiting to a wholesale arrangement.

But I feel confident we'll be able to work together. Watch for the link here ...

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